Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just Wait!

I have been in Lakeland, Florida for three months and I still don't have a job. To be brutally honest, I have not searched for a job very hard. I have asked God over and over again to put me where He desires for me to be. Up until this point, He has yet to bring a job my way. Lately this has become an area of aggrevation and impatience for me. Recent developments have rocked my face and I want to share them with you.

I have become good friends with a guy named Shua. He works at a Starbucks here in town. He's been giving me the full-court press to get a job at Starbucks. "You would be good at it," or "we could work together" were the phrases that I heard from him that made me want to apply for the job.

Last Wednesday I went to the store and picked up an application. For three or four hours it sat on my table. Later that evening, I was talking to Mandie about the possible job. About how I could not get a peace about applying. While discussing it with her, God brought King Saul to mind.

In 1 Samuel 13, Samuel Tells King Saul to wait to offer the pre-war sacrifice until he returns. Saul waits and waits. As each day passes, many of the 2,000 soldiers become scared and begin to scatter. After the appointed seven days, desperate to not lose any more men, King Saul offers the sacrifice without Samuel. The scripture reads that as soon as Saul was finished, Samuel arrived.

Samuel discovers what Saul has done and details immediate punishment. Samuel informs Saul that God was going to establish his Kingdom for all eternity through Saul's family line. But because he failed to wait, God was going to move onto another man, whose heart was like His. This man was David.

At the end of our discussion, Mandie jumped in the shower and I sat on the couch with my Bible. As I dove into the story. I came out on the other side with a great promise from the Lord.

He reminded me that it is ok to wait. We live in a society that looks poorly at waiting. It is perceived as lazy and uninspired. Instead, the church now say's things like "when in doubt, just act and God will get in on it."
I believe with all my heart that if I miss what God has for me, that He does sometimes join me where I am and can do great things. The sole reason this can happen is because of His grace. He does not have to, instead He chooses to out of His grace and mercy.

Now just because God will do this, does not mean that it is always right to move without His clear direction. He is not required to make it all good. Moving without God can end up good. The catch is that God has His best designed for us. After his premature sacrifice, King Saul was able to rout the Philistine Army that was opposing him. If this was all you knew, you would say that everything ended up well for Saul. I would say that victory over the Philistine's was good. But God had something better in mind.

God made Saul the first King of Israel. Saul was Chosen to be the representative of God Himself to the nation of Israel. God chose Saul to reign over His chosen people. God also planned to make his Kingdom last for all of eternity. This means that God was going to bring Jesus through Saul's family tree. Saul was going to be the ultimate patriarch for the savior of the world.

As I read over this story. God kept saying, "wait, just wait!" It felt so good to hear the Lord's voice so strongly.

So that is what I am doing. Mandie tore up the app. and threw it in the trash. I am waiting on the Lord. I know that Starbucks would be good. But I am not interested in good. I am going to wait until Samuel comes walking over the horizon with God's best.

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