Thursday, January 29, 2009

For the writers in the room

Just wanted to make you aware of a tremendous reference for those of you who aspire to write. I recently got my hands on the "Christian Writer's Market Guide: 2009." This book by Sally Stuart, is slammed full of various magazines, websites, and publishing companies who are interested in free lance writers. It just released a few weeks ago, so it is as current as you could hope for. This book serves as a how to guide for getting your work published.

As you browse through the pages you will find folks looking for anything from fiction work to a witnessing how to guide. Your eyes will be opened to the numerous types of christian writing that is desired.

I realize that many people aspire to write and have their work published. This a is a great resource if that is a goal of yours. I will list a link below for a place to purchase this guide book.