Monday, July 28, 2008

What once was lost...has now been found.

Mandie found her cell phone!!! I repeat, the cell phone has come home. Taking a page from the father in the story of the prodigal son, I saw the phone appear over the hill in the distance and I went running. We threw a big o'l party to celebrate the homecoming of the little black phone.

It turns out that our long lost friend was hanging out t TGI Fridays. Apparently, the little fella slipped out of Mandie's pocket, failing to holler loud enough to get Mandie's attention before she left. In his defense, he was probably on silent. He didn't stand a chance.

Thank you for your prayers. You can check that one off your prayer calender.

1 comment:

Red High Heels said...

Hooray for the lost prodigal phone!!!